a song for you

Why do I still sing about you,
Let my words always find you in the lost notes,
The lost cords and keys that compose anything other that the thoughts of you,
Or will you forever live in me,
As a part of me that I can never be free of,

I’m not sure how to feel about that,

Does it give me satisfaction, to know that I have a purpose, always and forever in the form of you,
Or should I let the shame wash over me,
because you were the one thing I could never get past, and that alone is shameful,
Because the song never moves on, never hears another melody other than the one you’ve imprinted in my soul,

And here I am…

Doomed to keep you on repeat until my scars have mended and my heart healed…
And still, the softness of you, the delicate grace of you touches me in ways I will never allow another,
My keys glide towards familiar notes, strung out in your harmonies and love,


Is that still a word I am able to use with you?

Because I think I will never know a love than the one I knew when I sang for you, about you,
The words came for bittersweet and flowed beautifully off this broken heart,
Still searching for you,
And hoping one day, my words, and these desperate cords will reach you…

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